Muskie Fishing on Eagle Lake

Eagle Lake is consistently mentioned as one of the top musky fishing destinations in not only Ontario but worldwide. The size of the lake and the tremendous forage base which includes large schools of Lake Herring and Shad have produced record quality fish. We have had over the past 35 years, some of the most aggressive conservation measures, protecting the musky population on Eagle Lake. Our current minimum size restriction is at 54” and has virtually made this a catch-and-release fishery. There have been a number of “legal” sized musky caught each year on the lake but I can’t remember hearing of any being kept in years. The majority of anglers will now take a picture, release the fish and get a replica made.

Muskie Caught on Eagle Lake

Musky will spawn in the spring and can be seen on clear calm days, scouting the shoreline in male/female pairs looking for a suitable spawning location. Spring walleye fishing occurs in these shallow bays and we have experienced a high number of incidental catches of trophy sized musky during this time. We ask our guests to release these musky as quickly as possible and with the least amount of stress to the fish. Our musky season on Eagle Lake does not open until the 3rd Saturday in June thus protecting this species during their prime spawning time.

There are some musky fisherman that target this fish as soon as they are able to, after the season opens. They feel that the fish will not have been pressured and many of these fisherman are just anxious to satisfy that addiction they have to muskie fishing! The majority of our musky fisherman tend to visit us in the fall, from mid- September to mid- October. The prime locations are again relative throughout the season according to food source and water temperature. As our site develops, I will post links and videos to some valuable articles on musky fishing that detail baits, location, techniques and times as well as any other important information I can find.